Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Meaning for Life or Delusion: Considering the Historical Jesus Christ from Multiple Perspectives

 Meaning for Life or Delusion: Considering the Historical Jesus Christ From Multiple Perspectives

See for yourself, if you dare... If you are free enough to do so.

If there is hope for deeper meaning in your life, the truth must be centered in pure love. People are falling deeper into a hypnotic state, distracted by shadows on a wall, while meaning for life is subtly being deleted from their minds. The meaning of truth is nearly forgotten, like charity, and as belief in free will declines, accordingly so does freedom, but if empathy is not forgotten, hope remains. One way is struck by crashing waves of delusion, keeping us swaying in a routine, feeding the machine, while the other promises freedom. Ironically, intellectuals like the late Stephen Hawking argued that because of gravity and other laws of science life exists with no hope in eternity. If there is hope in eternal life, there must also be an eternal mind, whose ongoing thought is love in action. For though times of growth most treasured involve sacrifice and loss, Love, like Life, has no lasting value if unshared. If hope for meaning in life is not delusion this means you were loved before the creation of the world. Hence why those who trust in Life believe after the trials there will be eternal peace. In the end truth will tell, life defines life, or there is only death. After examining the question on meaning for life from all major religious and philosophical vantage points the seeking heart cannot deny there is only one voice in antiquity giving a clear answer. In the end readers will know if the greatest story ever told is actually the most tragic.

Meaning for Life or Delusion: Considering the Historical Jesus Christ from Multiple Perspectives (Hardcover)

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