Monday, June 21, 2021

Preview of 'Absolute Truth and The Most Rational Answer to the Problem of Evil'



In this world people have always gathered in separate tribes and communities, hence why what many believe to be true may be a misconception. In this book the goal is for readers to become open minded, to think freely and thus objectively, so one can rightly recognize what is true from what is false. Therefore, the focus will be on absolute truth and the most rational answer for the problem of evil. Specifically, this book is more for those who grew up in the church but have never received satisfying answers to how and why they should trust in God and trust in the Bible. When there is no respected or accepted leader in the family or in the community people will often follow what is trending or be guided in the direction of popular opinion. Most people still want to be told what to believe but not many seek to discover for themselves what is true. Hence why so many students are fooled into believing only natural causes explain what can be observed. To be examined in the last sections of this text readers will discover intellectuals in the higher sciences recognize our very universe is dependent on an extra-dimensional reality far beyond our natural realm.

Before one can clearly recognize truth, one must humbly accept every person is vulnerable to being fooled. Thus, one must consider if their entire worldview has been formed by lies. One can freely disagree with what is shared in this text and is encouraged to do so if there is anything illogical, incorrect, or in need of improvement. The hope is if one chooses to disagree with any point presented here the reader will take the initiative to do some research before intellectually countering the arguments presented in this text. No one has it all figured out. Perhaps readers can benefit from what is shared here, and upon being persuaded to seek after true meaning to life, will then go and share this hope with others.

Now one may argue free will is only an illusion because people are driven to make choices based on what they cannot help but want, or because one is forced to act. One may argue freedom of thought is an illusion for a person cannot truly have free will if a person cannot control their wants. However, if an addict wants help for their addiction and seeks after help this only serves to prove their desire to change for the better proved stronger than their addiction. This book is written to help people realize the ultimate freedom available is found in the ability for one to change their mind for the better. This is not meaning a simple change of mind like someone deciding to have Cheerios instead of Wheaties. The kind of change being referred to here is the ability to change how one makes their choices in life, the ability to change the mind from being irrational to thinking rationally. Now faith has a big part to play in helping the mind change for the better, but not blind faith, rational faith. For example, imagine a person who truly has no desire to live and has recently lost their appetite for anything after years of severe depression. Now imagine this person has somehow learned how to think logically and at the same time has recently gained belief in a loving God. What has not changed is this person still recognizes most people are creatures of habit who become stuck in their ways. The changed mind still feels despair at times, while still seeing a world filled with suffering, but at the same time this person recognizes there is hope.

The main point here is summed up in the common phrase, “it is better to give than to receive.” A person may not want to discipline their mind but if one recognizes this is something one ought to do, then the intellectually honest person will choose to do so. Doing what one ought to do, while not necessarily wanting to, this is not in the same vein as feeling forced to do something. In this book readers will learn how to think freely and objectively, and how to help others do the same. After reading this text one will recognize there is absolute truth, the problem of evil has been logically solved, there are evidential reasons for having rational faith, and accordingly readers will learn how to share this hope with others.

If all truth is subjective this means those with the money and power will be the ones telling you what truth is. What is this subjective truth the so-called elite believe in? You are their property which can be bought and sold. You can be controlled by those who know how to appeal to your emotions. You can be manipulated by those who pay the media to form what they deem to be popular opinion; therefore, they will appeal to your ignorance. You will be subject to their truth, for they feel you are sheep powerless to do otherwise. However, at the crossroads there is another choice. To be argued for in this text, the absolute Truth is the ultimate price has been paid for your freedom. Take the offer. Those set free are free indeed, for their mind is set free. Such a person will have peace of mind, a peace which surpasses anything the materialistic world has to offer. 

Wakeup Call

My faith in humanity was nearly gone, for so few seemed to care about hearing truth anymore. When trying to block out the thought of the pains awaiting the next generation, my heart was growing cold and bitter. Was in autopilot much of the time, just going through the motions when interacting with my wife and children. Concerned my melancholy would have a negative effect on my family, we desperately needed a change. We needed to go somewhere far away from everything we knew. The idea was to wake up to a new life, a simpler one, for seemingly God did not want to work through me in the way I had expected.  

Since exiting the U.S. Army, my life was invested in seeking after answers where many others in the church were too afraid to look. After years of research and gaining degrees, which are now stacked under some files and a few books, the saddest truth to be discovered was many did not care for the knowledge I had to share. Even in the church, most believed science was contrary to faith, so they felt my desire to grow in knowledge in the fields of biology, astrophysics, secular philosophy, and other religious worldviews was a sign of a lack of faith. Sadly, many young people were leaving the faith because neither their parents nor the church leaders proved able to provide them with satisfying answers.

In not seeking recognition for myself, my prayer and hope was to help the next generation during a time when so many were leaving the church and losing hope. Many from both inside and outside the church were quick to turn and snap at the messenger, every time he tried to help, every time he tried to warn them. As the world was still greatly in fear over the pandemic spreading in every country, my primary focus was my wife and children. We decided to take some much-needed vacation time, in a small town where people were not so prone to hysteria. Truth is, in my heart I felt we were going to move to that small town. Perhaps God willed for me to find peace of mind being primarily focused on teaching my wife and children. Perhaps they would care to learn how to think objectively and thus spot the lies. Perhaps I would find peace in knowing it was enough that my children learn how to better share the rational reasons for why one should place their faith in Christ. Maybe someday they would reach more for Christ than I ever could, so I had to focus on them first. I would cease trying to share truth with an understandably untrusting generation. Was on the second day we arrived when I received the wakeup call.

The fog was thick, and as we approached the beach in Garibaldi Oregon, the kids ran ahead. My eleven-year-old daughter Leona and my six-year-old son Logan were so excited. A vacation was a long time coming, as quarantine from the pandemic had taken a toll. The children ran over a sand dune blocking my vision of the beach on the other side. I ran to catch up with Jennifer close by.

I ran up over the sand hill and once on the other side I noticed the sand was wet for quite a distance from the tide. There were large fallen trees, allot of large logs, and debris washed up all along the coastline, stopping just below the sand hills. I ran out to my children and my wife did as well… The wave came out from the fog like something from the worst of nightmares. Violently the force shoved into my back and then all I saw was thick foamy white bubbles as the water engulfed me. My thoughts were loud in my head, but my tone was still. To accept the worst was not an option. ‘My family… God, please, save my family.’ I had no control, for the current was so strong. The tide receded, and my head reached the surface. I saw my wife as the tide receded enough for me to see her head emerge, and soon I saw Leona. ‘Where is my son!’ I refused to believe he had washed away with the tide. ‘Please God, no.’

The force hit again, just when I had caught a breath. I was covered again in another violent wave. Jennifer and Leona were ahead of me, so I hoped they would have been pushed closer to the shore. ‘They will be safe. They will be okay… where was my son? Oh, God, please. I could not see him.’ The struggle again to swim against such a great force seemed in vain. Sudden hope came from nowhere, but my flesh shouted for me to not trust in such hope. ‘The devil is a liar. God did not give me a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.’ I needed to focus. I needed to stay calm. The water receded again, more so this time, and my wife popped up near a large log, and then I saw Leona, and her foot seemed to be caught under the log. The water receded again, and I kept moving forward. Jennifer moved towards helping Leona, while she shouted in a commanding voice, “Where is my son!”

Logan, such a skinny little boy, like me at his age. He is going to be taller than me probably someday, over six feet tall, but now he is just a skinny little boy. ‘Where is my son… Lord, please.” The current receded more this time, and further in front of me I saw the back of my son as Logan emerged from the waters. He floated to the surface as the might of the tide seemed to rush around him, as if not having permission to take him away. ‘Oh, my God! My son! He must be alive!’ Jennifer moved towards him, struggling through the water that was just below her chest at this point. She grabbed him by the hood of his coat. I was still swimming towards them and then I felt the sand beneath my feet. I pushed through the pressure, as it felt as though the ocean was still trying to suck me away, but then suddenly I felt rushed forward. Such a strange sensation, as I felt the water swishing passed me, yet I was moving forward. I grabbed my son by his coat, pulled him towards me, and held him close. I turned to Jennifer and shouted, “I have him! Get Leona free!” The next wave hit but was not as large as the ones before. The force of the wave was enough to help Jennifer pull Leona free. I leaned Logan forward and patted his back. He coughed up some water and was quite alert. Jennifer and Leona were soon up out of the water as well. We all took a moment to rest on the sand hill, shivering, and trying to catch our breath. This vacation had to be cut short, for I had work to do, and I would be foolish to resist the One calling me to do so.

I was given a second chance, and God did not want me to cease sharing truth with others. What you are about to read in this book will provide you with a choice. Learn, grow, and share the truth with as many as possible, while you are still alive and free to do so. There is nothing better we can do with our lives but stand for the truth, share the truth, and accordingly help others receive hope they can trust in.

I: To See and Communicate Truth

The one who developed the first chariot had to value the mind of the one who invented the wheel, for every mind is in some way dependent on another. The first cause of all innovative ideas is the mind, and one capable of recognizing what is truly valuable for the sake of progress. The self-aware mind must seek after, discover, and communicate the truth, being driven to see the minds of others set free. Disciples of Christ must understand how to worship God with all their mind; thus, they must understand the need for logical reasoning when sharing the eternal truth revealed in Christ. The need to depend on the mind of another is an observable truth, for even the writer is dependent on the one who invented the written word, but the mind is also vulnerable and easily misguided. When seeking after clearer direction one must be able to distinguish truth from deception, but after sifting through the lies the opposition to the Truth must be faced.


For the truth to ever be shared and recognized on a wider scale language was necessary, and thus the ability to create a written language is essential. This gift of communicating with spoken words and the written word must not be wasted, for language surely is a gift from God. Leading linguists and evolutionists have confessed to being completely puzzled by the human ability to communicate through language and the written word. As linguist Patricia Kuhl has observed, “the mechanism that controls the interface between language and social cognition remains a mystery.”[1] Paleontologist Simon Morris has observed the human gift of language is “somehow imprinted on our brains…” thus for good reason Morris also happens to be a Christian.[2] To say human language is an obstacle for those denying the existence of God is no exaggeration, seeing as how the secular experts in multiple fields of study have given up on solving this mystery.

Multiple experts from respected fields of study including evolutionists, anthropologists, computer scientists, and linguistics have discovered no plausible explanation for how and why language exists from an evolutionary perspective.[3] Regarding this study journalist Tom Wolfe remarked, “I had never heard of a group of experts coming together to announce what abject failures they were…”[4] Since the idea of Darwinism came into being scientists in other fields of study have discovered so many valuable and advancing truths. Meanwhile the atheistic evolutionists have discovered nothing of progressive value. From the naturalist perspective the mystery of language, thus the mystery of the human mind, has never been resolved. As an engineering technologist and Christian ethicist Paul Golata argued, “God provides the best framework from which to understand intelligence.”[5] God is relational and has even communicated with humanity through the language of mathematics. This language was not invented by humans but was discovered. As Werner Heisenberg observed, “…the fact that we can explain nature by simple mathematical laws tells us that here we have met some genuine feature of reality, not something that we have — in any meaning of the word — invented ourselves.”[6] What sets humans far above the animals is the ability to communicate ideas and express emotions through speech, written words, and in discovering and sharing mathematical truths. Yet, the human mind coming into being by chance remains a faithful hope for atheists.

Language has always been a gift from God intended for people to comprehend, appreciate, and share the truth. As Wolfe argued, “Speech is 95 percent plus of what lifts man above animal!”[7] The relational aspect of language is expected if one believes humankind is made in the image of a loving and relational God. This ability for the mind to communicate truth and express selfless love is one of the first pieces of evidence for the human mind being designed by the Triune God. The truth is science and theology are united, thus the misinformed skeptic must have been misled by those who are experts at delivering well-articulated lies.[8]

Furthermore, the evidence points towards Christ, the only personal God known for proving His love, so conceivably any skeptical intellectuals claiming the evidence is not substantial may be in denial or perhaps even deliberately lying.[9] Jesus said I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6 NIV).[10] Where the deist believes in a God who has not revealed His identity, the Christian is faithful to a God who has revealed Himself and therefore wants to be known.

Without fearing opposing views, the Christian should investigate and grow in their knowledge of what is true, for their faith is in the provider of all truth.[11] If Christ is the Truth, one sees there must be a deeper understanding about what truth is. Truth is not subjective, nor can one simply argue truth is objective, for if what Christ claimed is true, then truth is alive and eternal. God desires for the Christian to love Him with all their mind, and Jesus expects the Christian to worship God in Spirit and in truth (Matt. 22:37; John 4:21-24). Therefore, the modern Christian must seek after a deeper understanding in the fields of science, philosophy, and of course theology to better articulate the truth to any person who believes contrary.[12] From multiple fields of study there has been amazing discoveries supportive of the Biblical worldview, thus there is no excuse for ignorance in the Church today. The Bible is clear on how the faithful must be wise towards outsiders, being ready to provide answers to everyone who asks why one should place their faith in Christ (Col. 4: 5-6, 1 Pet. 3:15). What is clear in mathematics is clear in life, there is a right way and a wrong way, thus there is the absolute truth and the lies.

When considering other arguments for God the moral argument may not seem to be the first or best argument for theism. However, if one is defending Christianity, the moral argument is connected to who God is and thus further supports reason for believing in and accepting the love of Christ. Without a sense of morality, one could not properly define free will, for freedom to choose is most recognized by moral opposites. To forgive or hold a grudge, to tell the truth or a lie, to love or hate, and the list goes on, but ultimately one cannot honestly deny free will is most recognized because of the knowledge of what is contrary to good. The significance of Christ death and resurrection would have no meaning if there was no knowledge of suffering and what is defined as immoral. Christ displayed the moral attributes of God and proved one can trust in His great love. Christianity provides the best explanation for why what is morally true comes from God and provides a clear explanation for why there is evil.

(Read more in the following book-- 

Absolute Truth and The Most Rational Answer to the Problem of Evil

[1]Simon Conway Morris, The Runes of Evolution: How the Universe Became Self-Aware, (West Conshohocken, PA: Templeton Press, 2015), 266.

[2] Morris, The Runes of Evolution, 265-266.

[3] Tom Wolfe, The Kingdom of Speech, (New York, NY: Little, Brown and Company, 2016), 3-4.

[4] Ibid., 4.

[6] Werner Heisenberg, Physics and Philosophy, (New York: NY, Penguin Books, 2000), 45.

[7] Wolfe, The Kingdom of Speech, 5.

[8] Evidence for the universe having a first cause and the clear evidence of design found in DNA and the living cell, these were key items of evidence pointing towards an Intelligent Designer. There have been multiple scholarly sources arguing for genuine discoveries in science only ever providing evidence supportive of the biblical worldview. Discoveries in multiple branches of science add to the credibility of the ultimate Truth: Anne L. C. Runehov, The Human being, the World and God: Studies at the Interface of Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Mind and Neuroscience, (Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2016); Simon Conway Morris, The Runes of Evolution: How the Universe Became Self-Aware, (West Conshohocken, PA: Templeton Press, 2015), 265-266; Tom Wolfe, The Kingdom of Speech, (New York, NY: Little, Brown and Company, 2016), 3-4;Werner Heisenberg, Physics and Philosophy, (New York: NY, Penguin Books, 2000), 45; Stephen C. Meyer, Darwin’s Doubt, (Broadway, NY: HarperOne, 2013), 396-397; Steve Wilkens, Faith and Reason: Three Views, (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2014); Stephen C. Meyer, Signature in the Cell, (Broadway, NY: HarperOne, 2009), 125, 257, 367, 406-407, 454, 455, 461, 464; Frank J. Tipler, “Intelligent Life in Cosmology,” (International Journal of Astrobiology, Vol. 2(2): 141-148 (2003) ; Hugh Ross, William A. Dembski, ed., Mere Creation: Science, Faith and Intelligent Design (Downers Grove, Ill,; Intervarsity, 1998), 363-84; see also chapter by Hugh Ross, “Astronomical Evidences for a Personal, Transcendent God” in J.P. Moreland, ed., The Creation Hypothesis: Scientific Evidence for an Intelligent Designer (Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity, 1994), 169-70; Paul Halpern, The Great Beyond: Higher Dimensions, Parallel Universes, and the Extraordinary Search for a Theory of Everything. (Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2004), 11-12; Michael Silberstein, W.M. Stuckey, and Timothy McDevitt, Beyond the Dynamical Universe: Unifying Block Universe Physics and Time as Experienced, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018), 11-14.

Four discoveries proving science appears compatible with Christian theology:

(1) For an explanation of 3 experimental pieces of evidence for the Big Bang cosmology: Clarke, D. Roy, A. E. Astronomy: ‘Principles and Practice’ (2003), (4th ed.), Institute of Physics publishing, Bristol and Philadelphia. Kaviraj, S. “The significant contribution of minor mergers to the cosmic star formation budget” (Printed 2nd October 2013, arXiv paper 1310:0007), Centre for Astrophysics Research, University of Hertfordshire, College Lane, Hatfield, Herts, AL10 9AB, UK. Lintott, C. May, B. Moore, P. ‘Bang!’ (2012), Carlton Books Ltd: NASA: Penzias, A. A. Wilson, R. W. ‘A Measurement of Excess Antenna Temperature at 4080 Mc/s’. Astrophysical Journal, vol. 142, p.419-421(ApJ Homepage), July1965,

(2) The universe was fine-tuned for the emergence of intelligent life (humanity): “Gravity mysteries: Why is gravity fine-tuned?” New Scientist Magazine (2009) Frank J. Tipler, “Intelligent Life in Cosmology,” (International Journal of Astrobiology, Vol. 2(2): 141-148 (2003), 2; Hugh Ross, William A. Dembski, ed., Mere Creation: Science, Faith and Intelligent Design (Downers Grove, Ill,; Intervarsity, 1998), 363-84; see also chapter by Hugh Ross, “Astronomical Evidences for a Personal, Transcendent God” in J.P. Moreland, ed., The Creation Hypothesis: Scientific Evidence for an Intelligent Designer (Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity, 1994), 169-70; Paul Halpern, The Great Beyond: Higher Dimensions, Parallel Universes, and the Extraordinary Search for a Theory of Everything. (Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, 2004), 11-12; Michael Silberstein, W.M. Stuckey, and Timothy McDevitt, Beyond the Dynamical Universe: Unifying Block Universe Physics and Time as Experienced, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018), 11-14.

(3) Evidence shows functional protein sequences cannot come about by chance: Axe, Douglas D., “Estimating the prevalence of protein sequences adopting functional enzyme folds,” Journal of molecular biology vol. 341,5 (2004): 1295-315.

(4) Cambrian fossil record provides tangible evidence for complex design as these complicated organisms appear to have exploded into existence: N. J. Butterfield, “Terminal Developments in Ediacaran Embryology,” (Science Magazine), Vol. 334 (6063): 1655-1656 (2011).

[9] Richard Bauckham, Jesus and the Eyewitnesses: The Gospels as Eyewitness Testimony (Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 2006; Gary R. Habermas, The Risen Jesus & Future Hope, (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2003); John Granger Cook, "Resurrection in Paganism and the Question of an Empty Tomb in 1 Corinthians 15," New Testament Studies 63, no. 1 (01, 2017); Darrell L. Bock, Studying the Historical Jesus, (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Publishing, 2002; Andreas J. Kostenberger, Darrell L. Bock, Josh D. Chatraw, Truth in a Culture of Doubt, (Nashville TN: B&H Publishing, 2009; Richard Bauckham, Jesus and the God of Israel, (Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdman's Publishing Company, 2009;  Michael J. Kruger, The Question of Canon, (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2013; John C. Lennox, Gunning for God: Why the New Atheists are Missing the Target, (Oxford: Lion, 2011), 170-171; Timothy Keller, The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism, (New York, NY: RiverHead Books, 2008), 104-106, 112-113; Josh McDowell, Evidence that Demands a Verdict, (San Bernadino, CA: Here’s Life Publishers, 1992), 44-45; J. Warner, Wallace, Cold-Case Christianity : A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels, (Colorado, CO: David C. Cook, 2013), 112, 175, 250-252. 

[10] Unless otherwise noted, all biblical passages referenced are in the New International Version (Indianapolis, IN: Zondervan, 1990).

[12] J.P. Moreland, Love Your God with All Your Mind, (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 2012), 63.

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